Silly Curt Schilling! ESPN fired him over a meme related to a political issue. I guess if he had just directly, personally, blatantly attacked the President instead, he’d still be with the company. Right?
Silly Curt Schilling! ESPN fired him over a meme related to a political issue. I guess if he had just directly, personally, blatantly attacked the President instead, he’d still be with the company. Right?
I think I’ve heard a similar argument about women once being babies, too, related to some other political hot-topic. Your logic may apply to that one, as well! (Can’t remember what that topic was at the moment, but I’m sure it’ll make sense when you hear it.)
This may be a bit of an oversimplification, so I’d encourage modifications to make the analogy accurate: Healthcare in the US seems to be like a lifeboat that can’t possibly support all of the people we would like for it to hold without sinking. But Obamacare basically said, “Everyone is welcome on the boat! How…
For so long as you blur the distinction between ‘racism’ and ‘recognizing that different races and cultures actually exist’, you ensure that racism in the worst sense will never die, because you won’t let it. Different races will always will exist, and therefore recognize that they’re different from one another, but…
I totally know what I’m buying for myself off Lightning Deal clearance in 2018!