Jamie's right hand

When I saw the text I just started chanting "Ward.Ward. Ward. Ward. Ward. WARD. WARD. WARD!"

It's possible to really read into this idea, considering his brother…

I thought it was when her kid vomited on her in ep 1

I thought it was from her kids vomit in the first episode

Black people CAN sell drugs. Black people CAN sell drugs.

The A.V. Club - We're going to need a bigger bunk.

Why is no one pointing out that distance isn't a problem for the flash? He could have a relationship with someone in Mexico and still make dinner every night.

The first three paragraphs are serious eye roll material.

Idealistic Guy: "Evil prevails when good men do nothi…"

Are you sure?

Would you invite Laurel anywhere? It wouldn't be believable.

I don't get the Chopper hate, I love him. Everything he does is hilarious, and because he speaks in beeps and boops, I just imagine he's swearing all the time.

Joey in S.H.I.E.L.D, was the first openly gay character in the MCU, just F.Y.I

Yeah I thought the were referencing Outsiders.

I loved when Caitlin was getting giddy about his vibing and he was all:

So, from what I can gather, you're saying you could totally beat up Bruce Lee?

And a few weeks ago, he froze a laser grid.

"This code is from, like, 2012"

Flash and Arrow getting mostly As blows my mind. Arrow has the some of the worst dialogue I've ever heard: