
Isn't there a way to harness that type of sun burst into energy and fly vehicles all over space..

walked by FYE today, everything was 50 percent off and no one was in the store... Sounds like CDs are NEXT.

@trucknuts: I'm not sure why this was a response to me lol

Im not sure how well large photoshop images would work on this. I realize photoshop is a pretty light editing program as compared to some other ones, but still.

That was kinda Bad Ass. Steve Jobs is all like "Yo U suck" and Rim guy is all "You suck more!"

Honestly, my main problems w/ the Pre is the hardware and screen size. When I hold the Iphone or Evo, the size of the screen is just beautiful.

about freaking time, i'm so tired of my palm pre right now! I really want to get my hands on a new palm! it better be better then droid/htc othewrise, I will be forced to switch OS's

@J_Frank_Parnell: And you also have to deal w/ the amount of money it would cost to dig that freaking hole, and some how not have it collapse into the building. I'm sure it would be much cheaper to just build a skyscraper w/ energy efficient systems. *geothermal, solar, wind, etc...

it looks stupid. Why would anyone want to build a skyscraper underground? .. I Can't see the relevancy

@SigmundTheSeaMonster: the woman hates it when I search for crap thats left handed. I think I have reduced her life expectancy lol

I can't seem to pull my eyes away very long from this image. Absolutely beautiful.

@clownbaby: I accidently dropped my Pre into a cup of water, Dropped it onto the concrete approximately 20 times at the local pool, and have tried twisting it apart numerous times cause I Fidget like I got hard core ADD.

Well The OS is simply the best on the Market, and now that they are owned by HP. I think I will end up switching from Mac to a Palm guy in the near future.

Personally I never felt the need to own an Ipod. I started my days wearing audio headsets in 2001 w/ my first Treo. I think at the time I was only able to put 64 songs on it, but it was enough. Especially since it took SD cards, and all I had to do was switch the card for more music.

@Henry Shreffler: agh, I figured it out. The image I saved at first was 500 x 350 or something. Then when I clickd on the image that *lightbox* thing came on where you can't save it.

@ThaMofo: Me Like this too! .. upon clicking the image, i did not see a 1900x 1300 photo

Whats great is, I just made the bold statement online that; Black guys talk a lot more then white guys do..

I just want my tablet to come with a pen so I can use it for notes in class. Or give it an option where I can turn it into a video recorder for classes to.

so i'm hooking up a computer to my tv to create a (Media Center) I won't have a Remote control, but I'm sure i can figure something out. The point is: This is classic apple as of late, and they will make money off of it.