
@Dr. Evil Genius: Guns of Summer: I agree the Evo is still hard to find a month after it came out; however, its clear that they played a very common marketing trick where they only produced or sold a certain amount before filling up the stores again.

@xaronax: No, No.. the iphone doesn't get service cause of that wonderful new Antenna Steve Jobs was talkin' about.

Sprint can come out with a 5g service and phones. The fact is, if it isn't called the Iphone and doesn't get service people won't buy into it.

google will some day own the world. The CEO will be the first World Leader. We will bow down to him and call him King. The little googlers in Silicon valley are the prince & princesses,

Well I think Each Apple user is about 100 Times louder at expressing how great their computer or phone is comparatively.

We were reading it wrong. These pedals are basically just power sources for an electric system. This would be the main power supply, not the thing that actually pushes the bike.

maybe apple did this on purpose to sell more bumpers? Possible no?

Wow, even when broken 1 post on Gizmodo gets more comments then my site in a week :) lol

I just got off the phone with an Iphone friend of mine. He told me how useful the phone was and how great it was.. Then the service got crappy and I had to hang up.

@Fulgurite: Well I guess that only makes sense. Since you can't actually hold your Iphone to talk on it, you had to get the second phone.

@spl150db: As I type from my macbook pro, I can't help but hope they get sued out their a$$ cause of their Itunes monopoly! Fascists

@Gators15: Agh so its all about the word play. Gotta love the marketing skills Steve Jobs has.

someday, I will marry a rich chick and stay there

So whats up with all the complaints about this screen scratching to easily. I thought the type of screen they used was 'scratch resistant'

Only Apple can come out with a Faulty device and still have people lining up in droves across the world. Maybe this is just how stupid people are. "Hey it doesn't work, but your a fkn Moron, so Its not like you'll care."

I like these fans, but when it comes down to it.. THEY ARE STILL JUST FANS! The small ones are over priced, so these obviously aren't going to be selling for affordability.

I read something by a movie critic a while back saying: "I won't watch another 3d movie until they find a way to get rid of the damn glasses." I personally felt the same way, I can't wait for this type of 3d to get into the theaters.

@MrCheatachu: But each sprint store should know how many phones were placed in each store. Its like 15 phones came to store A . 100 came to store B.

ummm I want more pictures :)

How do you screw this up? Agh, I love sprint but COme ON!