
Bioshock: Infinite was an excellent single player story with a mind-blowing ending but I wouldn't vote it as best shooter.. actually the shooting was what I liked least about the game. The award should've gone to Metro: Last Light. I played it on hard my first time around and it was such a memorable experience.

Damnit, I haven't had lunch yet!

I hate to be "that guy" *but* (here it comes) the correct resolution you're referring to is 1600x900. 1440x900 would give you a 16:10 aspect ratio.

Ugh. Yea, I feel dirty right now.

Have a good weekend.

It's certainly one of the best looking next gen titles. I'm having a blast with it. I'm getting roughly 50 FPS with everything on Ultra + TXAA 2x at 2560x1440.

I came for the article...

I stayed for the pillow.

Seriously? I want that goddamn Pillow. Yes. I capitalized the word Pillow — it means that much to me. I'm fairly sure my gf is jealous right now.

Oh yeah.

Greatness Awaits.

Pillow Beyond!

Of course, that someone went through the trouble to do this isn't surprising: of course they did. What's notable is that Quantic Dream rendered a fully nude Page even if they didn't show it to players. Granted, having a developer include something in a game that a player might never see isn't so uncommon.



When that was announced a part of me died inside. I wish they kept the Super Metroid look. she looked more aggressive then. Also, Other M? What's that? I thought we agreed that game doesn't exist?

So what happens if I leak multiplayer gameplay on the internet? They won't include that in the final copy? What kind of BS excuse is this? I haven't seen anything about the game because I choose to — now fans who did the same will lose out because Nintendo is pushing him to release it ASAP? Looks like I won't bother

I never asked for this.

Now playing



YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1000x YES!!!

I'm literally LOLing right now. thank you!

Go Canada. Hooah.

In my opinion, Windows ruins it. While I have a gaming computer with 2 670 2GBs in it, that doesn't mean I have to like the OS. Apple trackpads are awesome. That is all.

LOL I totally thought of Andross when I saw his face. I miss my childhood!

Taste the happy!

So Microsoft is bribing journalists with bacon eh? Fair enough. Don't give in! Take the bacon and run!!