
Easily. Remedy shouldn't have given them this opportunity.

Sadly, the gaming industry has gone in a whole 'nother direction. A world with QTE's, regenerating health and perks. Frankly, I would prefer Remedy developing this game. Yes, Rockstar is among one of those companies that can do no wrong, but Remedy has a charm that they infuse into their titles. For example, after

It's EA's KIRF.


Aaaaand hearted.

Wow. That brings back some memories. I rented and played everything under the sun when that was the only option to get games. Sadly, I miss those days. Going into a BlockBuster Video and trying out their demo machines for hours if no one was there — the employees not giving a damn since, well, times were simpler

I have nothing but love for MS. Well, that's not true. They stole Halo from PC users then gave us a regurgitated port. Either way that's besides the point, I have KIS 2010 I bought for $10 or $15 at FS a year ago, so I have that to go through after my current runthrough of KAV 2010. I'll definitely go MSE after I'm

Free is cheaper than .10, yes. But Getting a game from Microsoft for .10 is even better. That's the shit that goes with you to the grave. Just like when I bought my old Logitech Z-5500's for $200 Shipped from Dell.ca when they were over $500 retail.

I'd buy that for a dollar!

Only in The Americas. :-)

I was going to come in and say the same thing. You've done my job for me, thank you. :-)

Tear out? You mean devour.

LMAO It's always sunny!!! This is why you have a star my friend.

I doubly +1 that Arrested Development reference.

I agree. In this day and age you're not supposed to tell CGI *is* CGI. Sony/Columbia should have got ILM to do the cgi effects.

Ain't that the truth.

Seconded, Thirded and Fourth...ed..ing.

lol you guys need new consoles. Sorry but The only way your going to get 60fps in Battlefield 3 is if it looks and is on the Call of Duty / ID Tech 3 engine. Keep in mind that this is not an insult — it's just how it is. It would be amazing if the new consoles had games at 60fps... except devs will always put

#1 Jim Rossignol is f—-in' awesome. It's the first time I've heard of him. But he's clearly a Battlefield fan and has an amazing way of writing. Defffffinately following him on Twitter.

Other than speed is there a reason you prefer MSE over Kaspersky? Also, did you notice a huge performance loss or was it only minor?