I agree. But I doubt it, cause they'll want to use EA's Everything for Everything. Remember. It's In The Game.
I agree. But I doubt it, cause they'll want to use EA's Everything for Everything. Remember. It's In The Game.
draco's right. Activision is about as greedy as [INSERT_FUNNEH_HERE] !
LOL. The game runs great as long as you meet the requirements. Anti Aliasing and Advanced Depth of Field will kill your framerate. Disable those and it's smooth sailing. Of course, oddly the game gets more and more visually demanding towards the end so...
Exactly. But if it is called PS Vita (which does sound like a health supplement), I'll forever call it PSV.
Zudeo on Steam :-) And I'm *always* on. I gotta reach level 50 in BFBC2 somehow.
Not really. It'll still play all the games besides Metro 2033/LL. Considering we have BF3 coming out later this year, you'll still be able to put some mileage on it before you even think of replacing it.
lol... I guess that never made much sense now did it. :P
That whole scene scared the **** out of me when I first saw it. I love how he didn't get all Bourne Surpremacy with the camera either.
I work at a computer retailer so I'm in the loop so to speak with all of what's coming out. Find me on Kotaku and I'll help you out with ideas for future purchases.
We can never forget the original. The first time I inserted this game into my PS1 I knew I was in for something amazing. This theme is one of the most powerful intro themes I have ever heard.
Unfortunately I'm in Canada so watching Hulu is out for me. I'll see if it's on Netflix though but I don't think that would help. Maybe I can try my hand at running a proxy?
I'll be sure to check them out. Thank you! :-)
I'd say it might be time to save up for a gfx card now for next year. The engine should be similar, it might have some improvements, but I'd assume (and as you've realized this is purely speculation) they might be able to add additional graphical features, or at least make the requirements slightly less demanding. …
Sadly, I haven't seen Burn Notice, Warehouse 13, Eureka and The Chicago Code. But I'll be sure to check em out this summer! Fox & I have a constant hatred for one another — I like watching good tv shows and they keep cancelling them. :-(
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!!! :-)
(In SF II' Announcer voice): PERFECT!
What movies might those be? I swear I've seen Noah Wyle's face before, but I can't picture it. Anyways, if the movies he was in were anything like Uncharted, I'm Netflixing (Yes, I said that) these movies now!
Uwe.... Ugh. I can't even finish that for humors' sake.
WOW. I can't believe I forgot HIMYM and Community. Anime to add to that list is To Aru Majutsu no Index and FLCL. Also, I'm sloooowly going through You Can (Not) Advance 2.22 BD.