
Maybe if he bought 99 Nokia phones instead, they could have been... N-Gage'd

Watch It If You Like: Big Bang Theory

Pretty sure if anyone saw someone of any race carrying an AR-15 into a Starbucks, they'd run. Terrible example.

I mean of course, yes, there are lots of differences, but the differences I'm interested in are primarily related to trying to understand why Tsarnaev and Holmes aren't dead and Brown is. Tsarnaev isn't dead because he was hiding behind cover while the cops were shooting at him and Holmes isn't dead because by the

The entire nation was watching James Holmes's arrest. There was camera footage of his "escort" that was being live-fed to media outlets across the country. I know the point you're trying to make here, but it doesn't quite work. One of the problems that another commenter raised is that there is not (that we know of)

It's not so simple.

I think the comparison to Tsarnaev and Holmes may not be quite the clearest.

Can you explain why Mike Brown was gunned down in the street while James Eagan Holmes, who killed twelve people and injured 70 others after opening fire in a movie theater, was escorted into a squad car?

Dear Close Friend,

That reminds me of Flowen's Sword from PSO:

Kids on twitter complaining. Welcome to the origin of first world problems.

+1 for referring to the correct album

Apropos of nothing else... "...aaaaand I would walk five hundred miles and I would walk five hundred more..."

Nice! Almost has a Benderish swagger.

Special for you. I hope this works.

Whenever I see dinosaurs like this all I can think of is The Wizard