
Me thinks Bey thinks she ia royalty.

Not even an army of muscled and oiled Baphomets could make up for Madge's weak vocal performance :/

Just #whitepeople things

ETA: There should be a ban for all white travelers to South/Southeast Asia under the age of 25, especially if they have dreads or hair that appears to be infrequently brushed.

The one dude thinks it's "playful and warm"? Slap. My. Head.

Rand Paul really is the fucking worst, isn't he?

The show does take place in the contemporary world, and I think you do need to watch for context.

Her costuming really tells a story, which distinguishes cute outfits from costume direction. It IS dated, which is so perfect for a character that went into prison in the late 90s and is out now, but still has visions of Lil Kim and Faith Evans as her epitome of ghetto fabulous fashion ideals. Cookie is a relic of

I don't think it's really dated for a middle-aged woman from the hood who has just been released from prison after a 17 year stint. It's actually, pretty spot on perfect. She's not going to dress like Goop or like the young black kids today (think Tinashe, Minaj, etc) because she's not a youth.

It's current but there are flashbacks to the 90s. Watching the show is a good idea.

God, I love the fashion in this show. They did an amazing job, imo, of showing Cookie's post-prison transformation. I mean, she did look ridiculously good for having just been released- a bit tough to swallow- but her style is on-point now that she's officially Lucius' nemesis. Love everything about this show! Except

And here I was, thinking nobody at Gawker Media wrote about Empire yet. Seemed crazy to me. But I just lazily put "Empire" in the search box at Gawker, so I guess I'm bad at the internet. Now I can catch up on all those articles I missed! Also, Cookie is my fav and she is gonna end up controlling Empire I bet.

no wonder Mrs. Timberland stopped the divorce, she got hooked up real good.

"a mix of Sharon Stone in Casino and Diana Ross in Mahogany" oh my god it's so perfect

I'm partial to the snakeskin, myself.

I bought my wedding dress in a city where none of my friends or relatives lived because we had just moved when we decided to get married. I went shopping alone. I thought it was going to be sad but it was nice, I could really chose what I liked the most. When I was trying on my favorite dress the mother of another

This is an important and correct thing to point out.

Kathy has nothing on Mama Joyce

I know that PIKE likes to think of itself as a top tier frat. It also has a national reputation for being the roofie frat (known as being "sPIKEDd"). It was also the frat that had a huge sign on freshman move-in day at LittleLeft's college ... "Daughter Drop-Off" and "You Honk - We Drink". Not to mention the later

And this is where I tap or for the day.