But was that before or after you became a strong (pregnant) woman? Because you could still attend ...
the only fucking thing you are going to offer them is a "a presentation to encourage mothers how to care for their body and the child coming into the world," and "the effects of music in the womb" then you are just full of shit. Seriously. You are full of fucking shit.
Oh Burt, if I only lived in Texas, I would join you and rock the shit out of that conference (and I mean snark the shit out of it).
My vagina clamped up at 'faith based'.
But the flyer has what appears to be a teenager/young adult and youngish mom pair. Like wouldn't seminars about not getting pregnant young be more empowering?
I'm so confused as to why this is a mother/daughter event...
Strong women make better sandwiches. FACT.
Texas brought us Burt. It's gotta be ok, right? ... right?
That weave needs to be pared down, stat. It's just too, too much.
Tyra, you look amazing but that is far too much weave!
She looks very 2005-ish.
Many black women didn't need implants to get a big butt either :)
Oh for god's sake.
Her butt looks pretty...normal. She's just cranking her hip out and arching her back, or bending her legs and arching her back in the top one. It's all angles, see how in the bottom picture the far butt cheek is visible, making it look like the close butt cheek is gigantic? Also smooths out your tummy twisting around…
I'm so tired of this shit.
African women have had this backside since the 1600's in America/Latin America...nothing new. White women, welcome to the party sisters...have some punch.
I really want to read an interview with a person with butt implants. I have so many questions.
I feel like people that are wowed by her butt have never been inside of a gym before. It's a nice butt, don't get me wrong. But it's not a phenomenal butt. It's the butt of a lady with good genetics and a gym habit. I see them all the time, how is she getting famous off of this?
Something tells me she is soon to receive some free NBA tickets.