E! And the American press paid millions of dollars for the "exclusive" and Italian paps BOOM! Not even 24hrs later we have wedding pics!!!! GOD BLESS THEM!!! Maybe this will take some of the air out of Kim and Kanye! lol
Again this is wedding #4 for her. No 4!!!!!
I know E! is pissed! hahahahahahahahaha Good!!!!
It is a good gif.....come on!! *it has sparkles*
Natlie Portman's career is doing fine after Star Wars! Lupita DO IT!!!!
"According to new research, the ruder sales staff, the better the sales, at least at high-end spots." -NO
My house stays private. But please feel free to google the porn star PeterFever or try Naked Asian Male Porn Stars and you will see everyone is not small. Gereral Sterotypes of an entire culture are never healthy or always accurate. Oh, and I'm a Black woman. We are an AMBW couple. (Asian Man and Black Woman)
I don't know who or what you were with, but my current Korean boyfriend has body hair and is pretty large downstairs...lol
All men can be good or bad regardless. But I never understood why some women never found Asian men to not be sexy? Sucks for them. My current boyfriend is Korean and I adore him very very much. I know plenty of women who would LOVE to date Asian men.