
Plenty of snowy states don’t use salt on the roads and do just fine (Idaho, Wyoming & Colorado for example). Their cars aren’t rust bombs and I don’t see an uptick in winter traffic accidents because they use sand instead. In safety-conscious Sweden they just groove and sand the black ice, then strictly enforce snow

Thank you for posting this. Even though Jalopnik is theoretically a light and fluffy site for non-serious distractions and snarky one-liners, some things are just too important to not point out.

Kinja has been fucked for adding links for a few weeks now. Fucking Kinja.

Yeah, links stopped automatically embedding about a month ago. Fucking Kinja.

An E34 M5 is reserved.

Bradley, in Michigan this would lead to a huge uptick in poverty. Newer cars are already ridiculously expensive, car insurance is already amongst the highest in the nation, and our public transportation is a shitshow.  Without a major increase in wages proceeding this by a few years, you would be crippling the

They were heading the right way but on the wrong path. It’s not the gas guzzler tax that’s the issue, raising the gas tax would hurt the poor the most, they are least likely to be able to afford a car with decent to good MPG and would end up paying more in gas taxes than someone who could afford a new high MPG car.

“It’s quite pungent. It’s a formidable scent. It stings the nostrils

haha what ?

If you can’t afford to pay cash, you can’t afford that car.

This is really bad advice.

It also symbolizes each of the letters in TOYOTA

I don’t know about that. Americans seem to want to band together when it comes to killing people in other countries. Especially when attacked.

I was ready to come at you hard with a very acerbic response until you mentioned that yoAnd of course there are speed cameras as well. u live in the Awesome Republic of Reasonable People. I mean that seriously not sarcastically. I love Canada. If I could move to BC I would be on the road tomorrow.

After all the comments here, I’m getting the feeling I should stay away from Virginia.

Yeah, my favorite is that radar/lidar detectors are illegal. And the state troopers will confiscate yours if they spot it... Even if you DON'T reside in Virginia. I avoid Virginia as much as possible.


I expect farmers to disassemble their cows and hogs, preferably near a smoke pit, to keep them from traumatizing my car every day.

The law is clearly insane, motivated by ignorance and panic...