
@caldweab: Since most of the weight is from the glass, I don't know either. Theres been discussion of replacing the aluminium back with carbon fiber, do theres that.

@DrOctogonycologist: I agree that the iPad is not easy to carry around. Thats why we have smartphones. Most of the time I'm out, I'm not interested in using my iPad, even if it was easier to carry around. I don't see much point in carrying around a 3.5/4" smartphone AND a 7" tablet.

@Almightywhacko: When the iPad first came out, people mocked the bezel mercilessly. I agreed with them, since it looked ungainly and ridiculous. But when I actually got one, I learned very quickly that the bezel is necessary, and to make it any smaller would make the iPad unusable. You hold an iPad totally differently

@waclark57: I personally got used to it pretty quickly. I would like it to be a little lighter for reading in bed, and I have dropped it on my face (which hurt) more than once, but I don't notice the heft for the most part.

I agree that it's impressive, and I'd be scared if I was Apple, except for one thing - the screen size. Steve Jobs was right about 7" tablets, and I think its a deal-breaker. Its a shame that RIM hobbled a promising device with a poor screen size.

An unusually good selection this week. Thanks Giz!

Will you guys be adding A WP7 section? I'm just wondering how popular it would have to get for you to include it in this feature.

Just damn cool

This was also predicted in Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy.

@Tills13: Then what is the point? I inferred your point to be that Apple has a monopoly over the smartphone market. That claim is simply false.

@r3ppr490n: Android is selling more devices than Apple every quarter, and both Android and iOS lose to RIM in the US and Symbian everywhere else. Who has the Monopoly?

This is a bad idea. "The Reverse Peephole" Seinfeld episode, anyone?


@StupidSimple: Good, a troll then rather than a lunatic. Sorry for feeding you, I know better than to feed the trolls.

@thesmilies: Great vid, thanks. That was hilarious.

@StupidSimple: Good, because if you were a Jew, you wouldn't say such an incredibly stupid thing. No one is killing the people being scanned. Not that what the TSA is doing is acceptable, but it's not comparable to the Holocaust.

I'm just waiting until we're all required to keep our homes permanently baby-proofed.

Is there any easy way (i.e without paying the $99 Developer Membership fee) to get the pre-release software? I'm desperate for some hot folder action.