
@Yeah!: No, in my pocket, mostly. When I use it, I hold it and then put it back into my pocket. I do have a charger on my desk, but I never use my phone while charging, I unplug it and pick it up. And at home, I actually sleep with my phone under my pillow so I can use this ( [itunes.apple.com] ) app.

Have fun getting that thing into your pocket. People complain about the bulge in the Droid X, and this is roughly triple that. Besides, who puts their mobile phone down on tables anyway? The entire point is that you're supposed to be able to hold the device, thus the designator "mobile".

@Paper-Cut: Blame Murdoch and News Corp. for ruining another American institution.

@archercc: You mean the doctors? By paying them. You mean the taxpayers? With medical service. You mean the uber-rich people who bear the brunt of the new taxes? By letting them live in a free society where everyone gets a shot at becoming rich themselves, and at least gets proper medical treatment.

@archercc: I said "trying" for a reason - I don't like the recently implemented solution either. We need a universal health care system. Health care itself in the US is the best in the world - but only if you can pay. The health insurers run an unbelievably profitable scheme, choking both doctors and patients.

@Apostropartheid: We know. At least most of us do. We're trying to fix it, honest, but there's no fixing good ol' American stupidity.

@archercc: You're an ass. My sister twisted a ligament in her ankle, and wound up getting a simple cast. We got a bill in the mail a week later for $28,000. Luckily we're ok financially, but many people aren't (maybe you've heard about it) and lack of health insurance for serious illnesses ruin an unbelievable number

@bmart008: I can't speak for notasailorboy, but I love my i7 Vaio. Haven't had to deal with customer service once yet, which says something about the build quality, as I've had the computer for 9 months now.

@tineras: 'Cause its resistive, not capacitative.

@Robotronic: There's no "c" in Frak. It is a four letter word, after all.


A very nice addition to the Tapbots stable. Now if only they would make Pastebot iPad optimized.

@housermag: Maybe they still make plasma screened TVs, but how is plasma in any way an innovative technology? It was in 1998, not so much in 2010.

@Mike Goldin: Surely you're joking. You call standalone camera production innovation? Thats like saying that Motorola's new pagers are what's keeping them competitive. Cameras rolled into smartphones are now nearly at the level of the stand-alones. And Panasonic doesn't make smartphones.

@Sent from my toilet: I've now done my homework and retract my earlier comment. What I meant is that Panasonic has stagnated in terms of innovation. The don't produce anything more than marginally better than their competitors, and are losing market share and mindshare. They almost never crop up in discussions of

@TheCrudMan: I did my homework and retract my earlier comment.

Panasonic is a joke. Stick to the nose hair clippers and leave the serious products to the real companies (Apple, Sony, Samsung, LG, Google, Microsoft, etc.)

Evernote, by a hair. I've got 8 apps that are very slightly less vital, surprisingly few of which have already been named. Why no love for SoundHound, Kindle, or Pandora?