
@bossmojoman: When did I say it could never go wrong? Did you read the part where I said "I wish I had the option of buying a non-Apple PMP and still being able to play all my music, but can't"? And guess what? I agree that Microsoft has good products. Xbox + Kinect. Windows 7. Maybe Windows Phone 7 Series, I don't

@JEmlayUSA: Wow, some people have too much time on their hands if they are commenting on other peoples time on their hands who were commenting about people with too much time on their hands.

@KTope: I fail to see your point. The Kin product line consists of two phones. Two. How is that enough to fill a "modest store"? I could fit both Kin phones in my pocket.

@CaptainJack: Maybe, but that doesn't explain Apple announcing products first, and getting trademark clearance second. Rember the fight over the "iPhone" trademark that Cisco legitimately held? But "iPad" and "iOS" were also held by other companies when Apple announced them.

Now playing

I'm getting really sick of these cutesy names. "Kin", "Wii", "Kinect", "iPad" - all bullshit names.

Good for them. Perhaps this will result in less heroin production?

@bossmojoman: Did you read this before you posted it? I'm all for lively debate, and have no trouble with an interesting argument, but how can you claim, with a straight face, that the next Zune (which hasn't been announced yet, and which no one knows anything about) will have 2 MILLION apps? Additionally, I would say

That thing is fucking huge.

Wow. Someone has too much time on their hands.

Can't wait for the new episodes.

@GitEmSteveDave'sPhiltrum: Low altitude maneuvers can be at supersonic speed. In fact, that was what US nuclear bombers were designed to do (penetrate enemy air defenses at supersonic speeds and at treetop levels) before the advent of stealth technologies.

@triggerx: First, how is candy not hardware? Do these stores sell candy downloads for your Farmville? No, they sell actual candy that you can actually eat. Second, when I said "handheld device" I was talking about a potential competitor to the iPod Touch from Microsoft, not Win Mo phones. About Microsoft's competitor

@triggerx: I'm saying that Microsoft has no business opening up it's own retail stores because they have less hardware to sell, and the hardware they are already selling is available elsewhere and always has been. And please don't try to claim that Windows Mobile wasn't a shitty way to run a phone. I had a Windows

@bossmojoman: Yeah, a radio definitely makes up for the lack of apps, browser, and a million other things that make the iPod Touch almost in a different category than the Zune.

@triggerx: Find me a Microsoft smartphone worth a warm bucket of spit. Find me a Microsoft tablet. Find me a Microsoft handheld device that can play music, run hundreds of thousands of apps, browse the web, etc. The Xbox has been sold for almost 9 years without a single Microsoft store, and is doing just fine. And

@cntyglghtly: Yeah, I guess. Can't see any other reason.

@vinterchaos: But those products are already covered in other stores. My Vaio isin't a Microsoft product, it's a Sony product, just like a Droid is a Motorola product, not a Google one. Microsoft doesn't manufacture computers or phones (other than the awful Kin 1+2).