
Hooray! Now penises on Chatroulette will finally be in Hi Def!

Ouch. If they really did just sell out, couldn't you just take the total number of Evos sold and say "we sold THIS many"?

I love my iPad, and so do my buddies. Nobody's given me a hard time yet. It's more along the lines of "ohh, shiny" than "haha you idiot it doesn't even have a USB port".

@junior ghoul: No, they actually made us wear suits and ties including the school's insignia on the jacket. But one day every year, we were allowed to wear whatever we wanted. As long as it was made of hemp produced in Timbuktu.

@junior ghoul: I wish. They made us sit on the floor and look up nutrition statistics and such.

@kylecpcs: I didn't miss the point. I disagreed with it. Microsoft's stock has fallen from a peak around $580B to $220B today. That is most certainly not "being at the top of the heap with little variance". The .com and housing market bubbles were industry wide phenomenons, not centered around a single company. When

@kylecpcs: I guess that explains why their stock is in free fall, their cash reserves are nil, and they're desperately looking for a buyer. Oh, wait, nope, they're at an all time high and are the second largest company in the entire United States by market cap.

Yeah, that's about as ugly as it gets.

Ahh, I have fond memories of those notebooks from way back in'99. My school bought them en masse, and decided that on order to justify that capital outlay we had to use the laptops in just about every class, including a couple times in PE.

Meh. I'll stick with my Nooka.

Those are extremely sexy. Now to get the girlfriend to put them on. And to get a girlfriend.

How many cupholders???

Realistically, these spec sheets are so similar that there isn't much hardware difference to go on. When will devices in this form factor become like fine wine or cigars, in that you choose your brand based on personal taste and preference, because everything else is mostly equal.

@92BuickLeSabre: You're probably right, but who says these pics were taken at the same time of day?

@Chicago: Not enough pyramids, and still too densely populated.

That really is incredible. It took Manhattan's skyline what, 100 years to do that?

@zross312: Complaint retracted. Apologies to Sir Jobsness.

Why on Earth did they add a front facing camera without full video chat?

Knowing John Hodgman, this will likely be hysterical.