
Third the cucumber. Delicious in an ice cold glass of water

I just remove the key from my keyboard. Works like a charm.

Does anyone else get infuriated when all your friends throw down credit cards and you're the only one paying cash? Dont get me wrong, a credit/debit card is convenient, but when 7 people throw it down I want to throw fists.

Stewie: Now, I'm going to do something I like to call the "Compliment Sandwich" Where I say something good, talk about where you need improvement, and then end with something good.

Rusty Shackleford? Looks like somebody watched King of The Hill last night.

Crossword puzzles knock me out. Lay in bed and do one of those, next thing I know I'm drooling on my pillow.

bummer, they don't yet service either of the 2 states I've lived in. I know somebody out there owes me a couple million, just need to track it down.

I'll second Rage. My muscles seem to respond well to a little Stevie Ray Vaughn every now and then as well.

For you stingy individuals that claim "you dont deserve a tip because thats your job" think again. How many of us have worked as waiters, waitresses, hair stylists, delivery guys, etc.? A lot. How many of you got xmas bonuses while working in these positions? probably 0. Why do you deserve your holiday bonus at

Peanut-Butter and Mayo. I've tried to do the generics, but they kill me.

I agree with the above peeps who said they just throw it in the subject line. I don't have to open the email, and can just delete it while knowing that whatever it was I did for that person was helpful.

Indeed Hotmail does serve its purpose as my "If I give these people my e-mail address then I know they are going to send me non-stop crap and sell my address to everybody in the world" e-mail account.

I love it when their systems go down. I hate the invisible leash of the blackberry. But then I get a barrage of calls from our bberry junkies asking me why they havent gotten an email in the last 7 minutes. The joys of being the IT guy.

@Lula Mae Broadway: Doesn't this method require that you burn the program in real-time? Do you have to play the program through its entirety while recording on the burner? If thats the case is there any way around it?