
Gah! I was so obsessed with getting it while it cheap that I didn't even look into these games. Ah well, some of them look interesting.

You're not alone buddy.

You know, I was actually thinking the exact same thing the entire time reading this article.

I like to think anyone who needs a bottle opener knows at least 3 ways to open a bottle with random items you can find anywhere.

My dad used to go through my lucky charms and pick out the marshmallows then put them back. I used to get so mad at him for this, but he's probably why I like trolling so much.

I really don't like this new comment is too short to respond thing. You can make completely valid points with only a few words. For example in response to this article:

Believe it or not, that's how most viruses are installed onto computers. Not by browsing fishy websites, but by tricking the user into installing it. Sure sometimes people with outdated browsers will land on a website that will take advantage of a vulnerability and install a virus, but sometimes it's easier to trick

I think it's the latter. Doesn't ad-hoc mean you can connect and play with friends by directly connecting to their device?

" Instead, players can connect via ah hoc wireless play. Old school."

No, the speed limit in the back lot is set well under 88.8 for a reason.

I've driven those cars. I used to work as a valet attendant at Universal Studios theme park. While no one came to valet the delorean there would often be events in the actual studio part of the park and I would have to move the delorean because it was in a parking spot we wanted to use, or possibly because we wanted

Can't say I'm not a bit jealous of siri.

Oh god, this game barely blipped on my radar when I first heard about it, but now I NEED it.

This is funny, but kind of scary. I think I'm going to buy a geiger counter or something.

Well... there goes my paycheck.

My family is asian so I grew up taking off my shoes as soon as I enter the house. I keep all of my shoes at the front door and the shoe horn right next to all my shoes. I honestly find it hard to imagine putting my shoes on anywhere except at the same place every day.

I rarely, if ever, tie my shoes. I just keep them tied then slip them on and off with a shoe horn.

It can strafe, this thing scares me.

I'm so down. I don't even like meat buns and I'm still going to try this.

This was amazing.