
Do you really think they’re “making music videos?” Don’t you think that, MAYBE, someone is taking the cockpit video and later applying music?

Yup. Venezuela, like Chicago, is getting used as the one outlying data point to completely prove what Republicans believe. It’s an anecdote that tells a story, which can easily be proven false by the ubiquitous data which shows socialist policies work in most of the nations where they are properly administrated.

Is he not the coolest? Direct confrontation or shade, Obama gets it in.

I only care about whether it’s got cupholders or not.

I know this doesn’t really have anything to do with the Dem debate tonight. But, I happened across this while reading this article, and was just too good to not share.

I think even in my beloved Texas it would be difficult to justify this dumbass. There appears to be no aggressive movements by the motorcyclist and at no time did there appear to be an imminent threat to the occupants of the truck. The rider simply knocks on the window and sits on his bike. The gun owner is a

You serious?

I’m really beginning to think that Tyler should let Buzz have his own column or comment section maybe titled ‘Why I Should Be In Charge: Prepare For Nucear Armageddon’ or something else knee jerk right wing nut jobbery. Perhaps ‘Trump Supporters Sign Here?’

Only if you want another war

Right, it’s smart to shoot down drones/spy planes/satellites/ornamental kites belonging to people you’re not at war with. We need people in charge who’ll do shit like that.

Wild guess...you’re voting for Trump?

Sfferries nailed it. Part of my job is to provide security to carriers in the AG/Strait of Hormuz, and this is a total non-incident. I’ve intercepted boats armed with rockets, guns and torpedoes, helicopters, drones, all kinds of things, and honestly, this is so low on the list of scary things that can come at a

I wouldn’t bother arguing with Buzz, he’ll be back with the exact same wrong opinion on every post. It’s not worth the effort.

Right, shoot down the drone and prompt them to respond with anti-ship missiles, of which they have both quantity and quality. This is just an Iranian way of showing off, directed towards their domestic audience.

Um... they shot down a drone (or, more likely, found one that crashed) over THEIR airspace.

This is a very flawed argument, the basis of which is “it’s worth rolling the dice on Iran’s reaction in order to make a point.” By your same logic, when two of our boats entered Iranian waters then Iran should have sank them both. “Because one of these days it will be a hostile action. And [Iran] won’t be ready for

that would be very bad for international relations. we ARE NOW working with Iran not against them and they are not against us. get over it. and being in international waters instead of being docked in a hostile territory are quite different things.

You can’t blame Obama for the disasters of Bush. If you think sending even more people to Iraq/Afghanistan will change anything it won’t, enough have died. Islam is a lost cause, the wars are unwinnable matter how many troops are thrown at it

Another neo-con twit that doesn’t realise that if it wasn’t for Rumsfeld and his accomplices ISIS wouldn’t exist.