Speaking of nitpicking (sorry for being, yeah ‘that’ guy) — it’s “fewer”, not “less”. We have “fewer” options, not “less”.
Speaking of nitpicking (sorry for being, yeah ‘that’ guy) — it’s “fewer”, not “less”. We have “fewer” options, not “less”.
Thank you, fondue, from the bottom of my heart. I was too embarrassed to ask. But you? No. You stepped to the plate. I am forever in your debt.
But the hoodie that JK bought was a size small!?! I mean, WTF? Small? Seriously?
No. False Flag!
But are they gluten-free metaphors? That is the question.
Well, that and you also have internet access. That’s a definite plus. How do you feel about Americans? Just testing the waters here, in case, you know. . .
True, but look at all the business he’s bound to get.
Well, as you suggest, he may not hit pay dirt with the litigation, but just think of all the plumbing business he’s going to get. . . assuming he doesn’t mind a little traveling, of course.
Your comment and choice of pronoun made me think of a good friend, recently retired from flying a Navy helicopter. She did this pretty much all day every day.
I would like to enthusiastically agree with everything you wrote. The “but” is, of course, SCOTUS.
::Raises Hand To Ask Stupid Question::
The photographs of her injuries are horrific.
Mid-70s, driving an MGB, top down, in the NYC area. Mid-day, sunny, very light traffic, behind a car carrier at a decent distance. One of the ramps comes loose and free of the hauler, bounces several yards in front of me, hits on one end and takes a hard ~90° bounce. Otherwise just another day.
Sadly, I had privileges and lost them two fucking years ago in a purge and I’ve been locked in uncolor ever since. What’s even sadder is that I should care.
The aptly named “Schmalzhaus” — which is Williams-Sonoma in Schweizerdeutsch.
And then, like moi, will sink into penury and social obscurity and spend way too much time on The Kinja posting lame, but snarky comments in the hope that they render at least one star and longing to, one day, again, be out of the grey. ::sigh::
Uh, Breton = northern France. Flemish = Belgium. The French regard the Belguims the same way we regard the Arkansas’.
I believe that it is safe to say that they decided it was a good idea after a black man with a funny name was elected president. Twice.
And Lakshmi Singh. I love the way she says her name. It is so lyrical.
Or, early on-set dementia.