
Just Schrute Me.



Flyboyz, yo.

Wasn't this originally released as "Charlie's Anal?"

Occupy Thunder Road

(singing)  The Brain in Stein fails mainly on the Divine. 

Hey, get your mind out of A-gutter.

I always supposed that was part of the point:  Mankind had grown so "artificial" that even Bruce D., the head botanist, doesn't really understand "Nature" for what it truly is: In other words, he's more just an inexperienced gardener working from a check-list, and not really thinking about the Big System…until he

It was wizard, man, wizard.

Maybe you'd be interested in these Soft Core Porn Titles, then:

I saw the very first showing, before it was ever seen in theaters, during a special writer's class at Berkley, with Harlan Ellison and the director in the audience for the introduction and post-screening-Q&A.  What'cha wanna know?  Was Ellison a dick who bitched and yapped about the film sucking eggs, even though it

Check out Peter Ustinov's spacy post-apocalypse "American Dippy" characterization in Logan's Run…and you'll see where Jeff Bridges got the foundation for the Little "Dude" Lebowski.  (Just kidding; but…p'raps?)

Here are a few little known quotations by Abe "Yeah I know I look like a corpse so shut up already" Lincoln:

"If you want to kill this Evil, you must shoot it in the head.  Oh, and the same goes for zombies."
—John Wilkes Booth

The First Rule of TV Drag Club:  Make sure your guys-as-girls look repulsive.  (Because if even one "normal/hetero" male viewer should "accidentally" find a crossdresser attractive, all dicks nation-wide will fall off, and God will then soon bring the World to an End.)

Brad Meltzer’s Defecoded

Galaxy Quest was off the air for, like, 18 years…huh-huh uh huh, huh.

Probably not:  I'm unconvinced that her creation is all that original or primal a concept:  I've already seen this sort of "bed of nails" objet d' art several times, made with other stabby/meaningful props (including pencils, tranquilizer darts, bullets, and forks; and certainly there are many others)…and this latest

To avoid further violently divisive controversies such as this, I'm trying to develop and market TiBo, a Christian version of TiVo, that automatically records only those shows that give proper respect to Holy Fucking Jesus and the One-and-Only-True-Smoking-God-His-Pop.  Looking for backers.