
The show had two really great episodes. The first and the attack on Black Wall Street in Tulsa.

I tried. I tried three separate times to get into this series. In between each attempt finding a few reviews that were passionate and well written, then going back to try and fineness those opinions against my viewing experience.

Damn, is this show great. Toxic, mean, appalling, despicable, loathsome and absolutely mesmerizing.

Time to whip out my Slip ‘N Slide.

Humans are doomed as a society and frankly, all of us in the galaxy think you deserve it.

I remember bumping in the mid-80s...........

Whoa! I binged the first four episodes last night and today and thought to come here and check out the comments after such a diabolically violent early half.

Now playing

Of course who doesn’t see Mike dancing into the Wiki-sunset in tight leather pants and low slung belt buckles?

We’re afraid this particular wormhole has reached the end of the line. After eight years, we’re wrapping up Wiki Wormhole next week,

...........in 1953, also involving the Dutch. Someone claimed the victim was a Dutch woman named Clarabella Dronkers”

Which begs the question”......

Well that would be a first!

Disappointed while she was straddling the fruit on the check out line conveyor she didn’t pick them up without using her hands and drop them in a bag.

I’m getting potential All About Eve vibes here.  Which in Todd Hayne’s hands could be damn interesting. 

Mike. I just want to tell you that your weekly column is worth getting up in the morning for.  Honestly,  if you are this batshit hilarious and observant in your every day life,   I see great things ahead.  Great things! 

Hey McCarter. I think a WARNING for all of us that were impaled by Yard Jarts as a kid should be included in the title.

I have always found surrealist Mark Ryden, finding Ricci as his muse not only amusing but inspired. Google “Mark Ryden, Christina Ricci”, hit images and see just how compelling and creative his works are when her look(s) are featured.  

The pinnacle of his career was THE MONSTER THAT CHALLENGED THE WORLD.

Correct me if I am wrong but it seems Master and Commander has always been well regarded on AV Club save for those that complained “not enough women” or “their teeth wouldn’t be so white or my favorite “it was suppose to be a 24 gun frigate but I only counted 22".