
I’ve not played either version of Destiny, and really few online-required multiplayer games in general, but these seemingly onerous demands do stick with me as a major issue with game design. I get that there are specific experiences that require this kind of time commitment, and pulling it off could result in an

I feel like this is a result of where gaming, online gaming specifically, is headed. Gone (mostly) are the days of couch co-op or even lan parties where it was more akin to a board game night. You had to physically get people together for the specific purpose of playing. I’m a fan of playing games online, but it seems

The raid aspects of Destiny and this game is depressing. Trying to get 5 other people you personally know on the same game at the same time for 4 hours is like herding cats. And finding dependable people through LFG is the crappiest crapshoot, especially if you’re new to the activity - because all they want is

Presumably working as intended in Blizzard’s mind.

Uhhh... I don’t know what world you live in, but A LOT of people have repetitive jobs they don’t really care for because they need to pay the bills. And most don’t make a ton of money doing so. So I think you are mistaken when you say nobody would take that kind of job, especially if it made them a ton of money. A

Final Fantasy 9 is one of my favorite games and imo way better than FF7....

They’d probably ruin it by adding the FF15 combat system to it.

On one hand, yes, but on the other they’d add voices and that would completely ruin it.

It deserves a remake. I think I already own at least 4 versions of FF9.

FF9 and FF6 are definitely my favorites. I can’t wait for all the FF7 cool kids to get upset over this debate all over again.

Well, IX is the best one so he’s right.