Zoran Taylor

Because it would be cool if we could go back to the days when it was possible to make something totally risk-taking and experimental that also happens to have a huge production and advertising budget, resulting in not only commercial success but an incrementally encroaching influence towards a deeper appreciation of

I don't care what anyone says, Stevie Nicks was WAY hotter when she had gigantic shafts of ivory sticking out of her mouth. "Rhiannon" simply doesn't sound the same since…..

Suddenly that Fleetwod Mac record makes more sense. They were yearning for what had been taken away from them…..their precious, precious tusks….

1) Eating Kool-Aid powder directly out of the package while simultaneously yelling Spanish vulgarities.
2) Purposefully inhaling a fart, then throwing up into your hands, then smearing that on your face.
3) Revisiting that strange, lost moment in your life when the most exciting thing that happened all week might just

Perhaps you feel this pressure not so much as a man, more as a Genji.

Yep. I'm a man. I've mostly been left alone to do whatever the hell I want.

Probably because men, having relatively less pressure on them to conform, have always have the option to make the big leap from insecurity to having a sense of humour about the whole thing in the time it takes to start writing something and then working up the guts to put it out there. Also because a lot of men get

We're ignoring the real problem here: The very idea that music which is specifically about things you only experience when you're a teenager needs to exist at all. Every other age group's insecurities can be completely ignored, but adolescent ones HAVE to be exposed and explained and pandered to or those poor young

*Sees that commenter's name is 'Bobby McD'*
*Spends several minutes trying to re-write chorus of "Me and Bobby McGee" so that it forms a clever response*
*Fails to keep rhymes, reference points simultaneously consistent within a limited number of syllables*
*Gives up*
…..Oh well, I tried. You're an idiot.

"write about Taylor Swift and you can write about society; write about St. Vincent and you have write about St. Vincent"

I like how both or those words always call for extra echo and/or reverb. To quote The Chambers Brothers: "TIME! -ime!-ime!-ime! *trippy ticking noises* *thumping bass guitar slowly speeding up*"

No magic involved - her REAL cheeks ARE chubby. In fact, given that Alex Hirsch is on record as saying that he concieved Mabel as a character to be voiced by Schaal from day one, that's probably the reason Mabel was designed that way to begin with.

Yeah, I thought it was bold of them to take a risk like that. My frustration stems from the fact that that risk is generally being perceived around here as just a mistake. Like the writing team had NO IDEA that they POSSIBLY be alienating anyone. Of COURSE they knew that! That's probably what got the episode finished

Regardless: Lolph and Dundgren. LOLPH AND DUNDGREN. SERIOUSLY?? NO LOVE FOR THAT???

During Dipper's quiet pause after that moment, I just imagine him thinking,"…..welll…..at LEAST I don't have Marty McFly's problem…..*shudder*…"

Eight episodes into season two, I think we can pretty much call this: Mabel's personality is DEFINITELY starting to resemble Wendy's more and more, because they've been hanging out together and bonding all summer. Part of what makes this a great show is that the characters are subtly affected by each other over time,

It's all of those things contextualized by the fact that his life revolves around Stan and the Shack, and that Stan can make him do anything. And I mean ANYthing….

And that's what's fun about it. The realness of that.

Probably just because the chance to create a name that makes you think of Zeus, Dr. Seuss AND any other character who's name is a palindrome all at once was JUST. TOO. GOOD. TO. WASTE. God, I love the fact that there's a character named Soos. It's just so SATISFYING somehow….

*satisfied face* "Perfect."