Nicolas Wingding Redfern

In that case I'm trademarking the Cleveland Steamer.

So instead of Douchebag it's now St. Douchebag?

That was pretty clear after the third season.

I guess you could say it's as vaguely racist and inexplicable as 'Space Jam' was then.

I don't get it - the American job market is like a movie which had a gratuitous amount of F-bombs just because they had an R-rating?

"…the inexplicable, vaguely racist Harlem Globetrotters cartoon series."

Xbox at E3 clearly the winner this year.

Good Lorde.

You're welcome ;)

Actually a lot of people here still believe for some reason that you can still admire someone's art while ignoring their vile criminal past. Just take a look at the comments section of any Roman Polanski post.

Chinese Rape Culture?
Rape Culture Democracy?

Why do people look and continue to look at Lynch's work for their diversification needs? He's 71 years old. If he hasn't done it by now then he's never going to do it. Yes kids, there's little to no blacks in his work. Females are annoying shrews, or there to get their clothes off. You want diversity? Take a

Patrick Fischler has already appeared this season, in a scene in the 2nd episode.

I wonder if that midget assassin is symbolic of Michael J Anderson going stone cold nuts over David Lynch.

The original Reservoir Dogs game!!

I'm glad she finally explained that - for the past 4 years I've always thought that she wants to get gang-banged by a flock of ducks.

That Black Pantha is a bad mutha…….


Trump-obsessing is a 24hr job.

"Y'see, it's a Santa Claus movie, but it's from Santa's wife's point of view! People are gonna LOVE IT! Right? Right?"