Nicolas Wingding Redfern

For a post titled "Let’s obsess over the new Twin Peaks opening credits", you should probably write more about the actual opening credits?

I'm disappointed they didn't cast Annie Wersching as Special Agent Tamara Preston - she did the voice of the character on The Secret History of Twin Peaks audio book and completely nailed it. He cast Chrysta Bell in the show who is a long time Lynch collaborator but frankly is not an actor.

You can tell who are true Lynch fans.

Sure you could spend your time reading the A.V. Club shill for SNL, OR you could download and watch the new Twin Peaks, which Italy has very kindly started streaming a day ahead of release. Those wacky Italians!!!

InSilico is my jam.

If you don't love Dune you're an idiot.


She's sci-fi-licious!

Hey, seems like you people are voting anyone in these days. Might as well go with the hot one next time.

No shortage of pepperoni for Chelsea now, AMIRITE????

Forget Wonder Woman, the female 'Mummy', and the female 'Very Bad Things' - the female 'Wayne's World' will be the best female thing happening in June! GO FEMALES!

I recently rewatched it after a long long time. I remember loving it when it was first released and subsequent DVD viewings (I was in full Lynch love affair mode), however watching it now I feel it doesn't really hold up. It's overlong, all the Twin Peaks actors shoe-horned into little cameos. It's so disjointed -

Nothing beats his role as the generic, vapid EDM fan watching the generic, vapid EDM DJ Davvincii in 'When Will The Bass Drop'. When he shouts "This is the best day of my life!", it pretty much sums up the stupidity of all EDM fans.

He looks nothing like that guy. He is however a splitting image of a Red Lectroid from Planet 10.

Netflix? Does that mean this will be the first Trek with swearing and tits? Where's Jolene Blalock when you need her?

Can someone pass Silverstone her meds, please?

The spirit of Powers Boothe lives on in this man.

Did he steal people's money for this one as well?

"And more about SNL tomorrow, on A.V. CLUB, the SNL Network!"

And he was in Better Call Saul and Westworld! Yes I met Steven Ogg in GTAV as well. His Instagram is awesome.