Nicolas Wingding Redfern

Someone should cancel her Snapchat account as well. She used to do some funny shit on there, now it's just all about her dog.

I blame Trump for this.


I made it years ago, just after the release of Jurassic Park. Beat that.

The Trump reign continues.

The Trump reign has started.

I was getting him mixed up with Robert Blake.


Superman III? I remember him from BASEketball.

So is his music, so it kinda works out.

Did he get to tend the rabbits?

That's because you train, say your prayers, and take your vitamins.


Bad job, A.V. Club.

That's weird, when I worked with him he was a total douche. But I bitch slapped him behind craft services one day and he was fine after that.

Where were you?

Cool, all the undercover voters who got Trump over the line can wear these.

All I have to do is look at the song titles and covers and know that it's not worth listening to, even for free.

That's so childish, Gambino.

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