
I call that interior “Dessicated Shar Pei Butthole.”

Oooof, I love that you drive a manual Chevy SS, but I have to cringe at the thought of anyone holding a car on a hill with the clutch. That is the first thing I was taught not to do!

Postings like this are probably why it is good I don’t have F you money. I’d have a garage full of Subaru Brats, odd gigantic barge wagons from the 70's, a 90's Roadmaster Estate with a big block swap for no reason, obscure Mazdas, a Nissan Figaro, and probably a diesel Mitsu Delica star wagon for good measure. Jay

For $10K, it is high but ultimately a NP... if truly rust-free. These things are rising in value and for the top-line GL spec, it is a good deal if you want a survivor.

$38 grand? Might as well be asking a brazilian dollars for it.

FRS/BRZ/86 would be really cool with t-tops or a targa.

The only way this car would be NP would be if it were inexpensive enough to still be a good deal after I paid to undo all the shit that was done to it.

I remember taking one of these for a spin back in the day too. What still sticks with me is having hit my head on the A-pillar getting in and how tiny it felt once in there. Nothing wrong with small cars, but that was what stuck out to me.

Someone needs to develop just the “skateboard” part of an electric car, and then sell them to boutique carriage manufacturers and let them build custom bodies on them. Imagine the possibilities, and the atrocities.

The kids here don’t realize this, but this was the first American car to show there was some light at the end of the tunnel.

In the town where I was born
Lived a man with pipes to hit
And he told us of his Ford
And we all thought “He’s a twit.”
But we drove it anyway
‘Til that Iron Duke did quit
And we all lived off the grid
In our yellow piece of shit.

We all live in a yellow piece of shit
A yellow piece of shit, a yellow piece of shit.
We all live

Look for an 80s V45 or V65 Sabre or Magna. V4 engine with shaft drive, the best exhaust burble I’ve heard on a bike, and in the case of the V65 more power than you can hang onto.

HD tried to patent the sound but couldn’t.

“Nanigans of the She- variety.” I have nothing to add; that phrase was just worth repeating.

Who else had their eyes go immediately to checking out the what kind of cars were parked in the background?

Now that you mention it,this would be awesome to drive for Uber/Lyft! Besides pulling up and having your rider try to figure out WTH is going on with the driver position,once word gets around that you’re driving a mini-limo,you’d get more fares than the guy in the Toyota with the Camry-dent.

That car isn’t a Capri. It was a Mustang in drag.

Thank you VERY much for writing an article like this, George.

Didn’t Ford have a similar system 10+ years ago? It gave windshields a strange gold tint - and make replacement pricey, which is probably why I don’t see them anymore.

An Asian woman driver is your hero? That is something you don’t hear everyday.