
Eh, shoot me. Posting in between walking to meetings trying to pretend I care about what others were talking about. :)

We own two Mazdas, among a slew of other cars. My biggest complaint is simply power. Sure we get decent mileage in the 2016 cx-5 and did in the 2014 as well. But load it up with people and it starts to feel anemic. Most others are accomplishing the same MPG with more power.

Couldn’t agree more. Imagine a world where WSBK/MotoGP can no longer wheelie down the final straight or Australian v8 supercars mundanely pull into pit road after a win.

Or mommy steps out on daddy with young salesman....

That rear end though, it just won’t grow on me. I do like the side profile until you get to the back though.

Sadly I do live in the United States of Boring cars only.

Can I get this in wagon form? My Saab conti-sport is about to need to be replaced.

Same speed maybe, same result of looking cool? Absolutely not.

They weren’t functional to begin with on street car BMWs so, just a design study.

I mean that Ferrari is cool and all...but I just bought my first wagon. So yeah. :P

I mostly watched that video as staring at some hot chicks with background music. It was the only way to tolerate that annoying sound. It sounded like 3 minutes of the same sound.

Ah yes, but if they made it a van this lady could clearly turn on autopilot and ghost ride her “whip” to an updated picture.

It’s both for sure.

I can match this eye movement and tracking. Just give me a few beers on a beach with a bunch of hot women. They will need faster equipment.

I watched on mobile, but the first time I saw brake lights was after he passed the barricade.

So much this. I also found myself thinking ‘how again can this idiot afford a nicer car than myself?’.

Yeah, I end up as “pending approval” until someone likes or recommends it. Maybe one day it will work itself out.

First time I saw sidecar racing was this year during Isle of Mann TT. It’s pretty crazy to have that much trust and hang off the cars like they do.

Also how do I get un-grey? It’s been months with lots of likes on comments and nothing. Am I missing something?

Guess I birthed it then. I rather like it.