
So an arbitrary organization defines what a season is and not any kind of property of the show itself?

You are ignoring the context. 

A pretty nice TV. 

What do you believe defines a season? 

I don’t play video games.

Avoid all humans. These sacks of meat are not worth the trouble anyway. 

I mean, eventually we will all be dead so nothing at all matters. Is this a useful coping mechanism?

I take issue with this concept of tip percentages supposedly increasing to 20% or even 25%. It’s a percentage and doesn’t make sense that it is subject to inflation. 15% of whatever your food cost in 1990 is still 15% of whatever food costs today. The cost of the food is what increases due to inflation.

What is it with chinese buffets? I didn’t leave a tip intentionally because the waitress didn’t actually do anything. I got all of my own food from the buffet and then she actually got mad at me. Now I won’t be going back at all. 

It looks alright for children maybe. It looks like a bunch of shovelware. 

Because that isn’t what they were paying for. It just happened to be there. 

Looks like the video doesn’t exist at the provided link. 

Apple sells the physical hardware. That is not even close to a comparison to UBER. 

I think people are starting to realize that video games just aren’t that fun. 

It seems like credit ratings are more of a rating of how good you are at paying interest and not how good you are at your finances. If you think about it someone giving you a loan only wants to know how good their odds of making money off of you from interest are.

The more weapons that exist in general the less safe the world is. Whether that is guns within a particular country or weapons of mass destruction across the world.

I like how this article embeds another article about what a “psychopath” actually means and they are conflicting with one another. 

Good to see SSDs approaching the $100 per terabyte threshold. 

Good to see SSDs approaching the $100 per terabyte threshold. 

Maybe you should have put this effort into the finale of the show. There is no recovering this series.

Pretty much. Almost nobody does anything on their phone that they can’t do on a cheaper android phone. If you really want to go crazy then maybe up to $400, but they are all basically crappy little rectangles that should be considered disposable. Spend whatever amount you don’t mind lighting on fire.