
I don’t want to actively support any semblance of religious activity. I’m all for creating wonderful architecture, but the religious context is a no go.

That isn’t blackface. Twitch is being absurd here. That said Twitch can ban anyone they want, but it looks like they are going out of their way to be offended on others behalf. 

The old one still holds up and is way cuter. I’ve seen some good full CGI anime, but this is not it. 

Way less than average thank you. I don’t know what definition you are referring to as “so much” is quite vague. 

We need to stop buying / producing so much crap. 

Forget soccer. Sports in general are obscure to the majority. Nobody cares about your soccer goal. 

Soccer in general is obscure. A single match is orders of magnitude more obscure.

I think we have different ideas of what “content” is. Getting paid a lot of money to simply exist and have thoughts any human can have is not content. It’s no different than winning the lottery. I’m not against random people receiving huge sums of money they didn’t earn, but to suggest these peoples posts on instagram

It’s amusing how popular Kizuna AI has gotten. I don’t know why her eating cup noodles means other people have to eat cup noodles, but whatever I guess.

Everyone needs a mild dosage of internet fuckery every now and then until they get a better handle on the idea that not everything on the internet should be taken seriously. In fact, most things should not be taken seriously on the internet. 

I disagree. As long as we are just disagreeing and attacking peoples characters there isn’t much discussion to be had here. 

I was considering watching the 2nd half of it again at least. 

Just one of the many reasons I hate esports. It drives up this concept of video games being something to be taken seriously way too far. As far as I am concerned esports have been the worst thing for video gaming ever. 

Probably because new youngins primarily play always online multiplayer games these days they have no concept of playing games strictly for your own personal enjoyment. It’s always about doing it in front of other people. Things aren’t worth doing if you can’t even tell 10 million people on social media you did a

What the fuck is a printer?

What the fuck is a printer?

I’m not tired of it. I’m just no longer interested due to the direction it went.  

Do any modern CPUs still use pins as opposed to contacts?

Good. This abomination of an esport needs to die and fast. 

That’s not surprising considering Dragon Quest is not Dragon Quest without Toriyama’s style. 

Where do you think you are?