
All humans are the same if you abstract the comparison enough. 

Thankfully it looks like wild pokemon battling is a thing. 

I kind of hope Youtube gets entirely revamped and hugely scaled back. 

That seems like a reasonable assumption to me. It would destroy YouTubes profit margins, but they probably had it coming. 

What would that solve? You would also have to manually verify every video. No videos could be uploaded to the website without approval. Or they could turn off all video on the website. Basically the website can’t operate in any capacity if they expect to not get any offensive content. 

Twitter is a public forum for better and worse. 

Or most of the time you search for a billion symptoms thinking you are dying when in reality it was nothing.

Maybe, but the state should be paying for it. 

The idea of caring about the personal life of people that you don’t know personally makes little sense. They definitely don’t care about you on any personal level and in most cases just as a tool to receive money and attention.

Hopefully they get tried for voluntary manslaughter. 

What are you so angry? What are you even talking about?

Close to what? What are you saying?

The orphanage was probably the only part of the game that had me experiencing some form of fear. After growing up with games and playing them for 25 years it doesn’t really matter how graphic you make it. You still know it is a game which makes true fear impossible. Jump scares might still get you, but I’m not sure

Super hero stuff has been losing it’s appeal to me. It seems like many people have a similar feeling if they are canceling all this stuff. 

They didn’t use to be when it referred to a physical attribute. 

Why is it an option to begin with? What’s the point of all these labels anyway?

Pretty stupid, but it looks like they succeeded.

The absolute wrong thing to do after a 4 year relationship is not say anything, move across the country and never respond to any form of communication until the end of time. 

Being fat is not a good thing. Neither is shaming people though. Promoting fatness is not a solution. 

The PS1 emulated version on the Vita is still my favorite way to play this game.