I really playing that damn bug splat game. This brought back some memories for me! My grandmother was a huge Stephen King fan and owned that CD-ROM!?
I really playing that damn bug splat game. This brought back some memories for me! My grandmother was a huge Stephen King fan and owned that CD-ROM!?
They didn’t say that, stop strawmanning.
What do you mean? There’s nothing wrong with purchasing a game you’d think you like, only to find out it wasn’t quite what you wanted.
Gotta say, It’ll All Come Out In The Wash is the best of these. I am not even a country music fan.
I have PTSD and I have never punched anybody...
Twitter used to autofollow him in the beginning.
His beard isn’t that bad, is it? Come on now.
What I’m really hearing here is they can’t spell for shit. Is it racism if not deliberate? Signs say yes, but... this shouldn’t be a fire-able offense. I have a common Anglosaxon name and they butcher it in marker on the cup all the time.
Mute the music then, it’s not that hard.
I am genuinely surprised by this. Ever since my Vita was stolen, I never replaced it. How many people are still using one, I wonder?
Seems pretty rude not to credit them by name.
I disagree and this put a lot into perspective for me, actually. A lot of it held truth in it. Setting the record straight should always be done.
The fact no one mentioned 20 First Dates and Click? All of you, get out.
Really? Those sketches are out of this world.
Also when I reread my comment, I have no idea what the hell I meant now so ... tone failed.
It was a joke so please don’t take it seriously. I was suggesting that people willing to get holes put in them are probably, ahem, not too picky about holes in general and freaky in bed and willing to advertise that fact a bit. You feel me?
Why is this a dealbreaker?
Dude, lotion guy? WTF? Was it just an excuse to touch your hand?? so creepy
I’m learning all kinds of shit today... but it’s Puka. Spell it right and it’s easier to find out what it is!