
This character looks made for one of those videos.


there’s so much in this I just don’t understand

Just because you don’t like lowpoly doesn’t mean all of us do.

Do you have the basic or Advanced version?

I like

I stream creatively, and I go to other programming and creative activity type streams. I’ve learned a lot there and made a few friends along the way. You sound like the kind of arrogant, snobbish person that doesn’t like to let anyone else enjoy anything YOU don’t live or approve of.


Mirror’s Edge was never very good, the story is weird and badly paced, the levels empty and often poorly designed and with bad enemy placement plus bad dodging (why include guns in the first place?) and many games have done the whole climbing and running and jumping thing a lot better by now.

If you find one of those interface tutorials, please link to me because everything I DID know has now changed!!

Add to that PaintStorm Studio. The fact it runs on Mint as well is just icing on the cake. One of my favorite programs and only $25!

I use Sumatra

Jesus, I guess I’d the luddite that still buys new books.

Bird Box reintroduced me to simpleton.


Nothing to be ashamed of, not everything can go perfectly every time.

I’m sure this suit isn’t meritless, or it wouldn’t have gotten as far as it had.

What does her skin color have to do with this???

My Hero Academia was so formulaic and boring though. How can you say Promised Neverland won’t be better when it ALREADY IS? lmao

This is a really, really REALLY long list. What’s looking good on it?