This times a million. I’ve got a 2015 Focus and only the Mazda engine is holding us. Umpteen reprogramming and replacing the ABS and gearbox components. Bearings that fail after 25k miles.
This times a million. I’ve got a 2015 Focus and only the Mazda engine is holding us. Umpteen reprogramming and replacing the ABS and gearbox components. Bearings that fail after 25k miles.
It was excellent, keep it coming!
First thing that comes to mind
Can’t wait to see that widebody kit on my bedroom floor.
I’m from Malaysia where we don’t even have Dodge and the first thing that popped into my head from that first picture was Dodge Journey.
Hey, renderings are hard when the boss gives you 2 day’s notice and the only input is ‘make it good’
This never works. This is the first time I’ve even heard of this term. Usually I call it the regular lane and the asshole lane (6 series lane). And it’s simply a fact of life that the asshole lane is faster. If you’re not an asshole you’ve already changed lanes and then are nice enough to let the asshole cut in. There…
Sometimes after a long day of driving my manual, I match the revs and shift without clutching. I’m aware that this is probably bad, but why is it bad and what part is it bad for?
The only problem I have with it is bagels bore me after a few bites on account of being too thick, tough and chewy. Could we instead replace this bagel dough with carbon fibre?
I love proximity keys but I do wish there was a specific spot to place it to start the car. The seats on my Focus are designed especially to allow the key to fall through the side and not be seen.