

They weren't hacked by NK, this makes the Marshal look glorious! Just look at that poster!

Can we be friends irl because that sounds fucking awesome.


I did this recently. Kmart had the Xbox Live starter kits for $15, and there was one left in my great state. So after driving for an hour, I learned the box was damaged, so I kindly asked that they open it. Behold, no Xbox Live 12 month card, but also the only reason for me purchasing it.

Sony is too busy avoiding bankruptcy to implement the high cost of adding bandwidth to MAYBE protect PSN.

Oh my god that is so bad.

They're not hackers, they're punk ass script kiddies. Had they gotten everyone's credit card info and their passwords and stuff, this would be something to report about, but all they did was DDOS the servers, of which there's nothing a company can really do about that, so quit bitching that Microsoft/Sony should've

iMac 5K, one of the fastest, if not the fastest consumer computer that can ALSO run Windows-$2500

Because Bungie coasted on their Halo success and their good name after those Activision checks cleared.

Omfg I just totally pictured Kim Jong-un being one of those awkward guys that texts really long texts like what you've written when trying to make plans lol.

There's a reason most of the lore is written by Bungie, merely approved.

The Bungie only comparisons flew over my head, seemed like you were attacking the entirety of the Halo franchise.

If you think that John is just a shell, you haven't looked into any of the lore OR paid attention while playing Halo 4.

Meijer has them. Near me anyway.

Microsoft is actually the publisher.

Wow, the middle to end of that idea sounds familiar..:

High level NK hackers have pretty good English skills, not to mention they're treated like royalty.

THANK YOU for not including Destiny.

Please find that story.