No reflection on IO at all (fine developers) but that seasonal model for Hitman can do one.
No reflection on IO at all (fine developers) but that seasonal model for Hitman can do one.
I was with this story right up until the bit where a Gamestop employee sold a kid underage an 18 rated game. God DAMN if that’s not the most unrealistic turn of events I’ve ever heard of. When I worked in Electronics Boutique it was a fricking PERK to deny sale to stupid little kids who came in to buy copies of “Lula…
Let’s pause for a moment and describe just how utterly beautiful the hair in this videogame is, while skipping over the immersion-breaking habit it has of clipping through the character’s clothes / armour etc (and not just in in-game bits, in cut-scenes too). I loved this game but that really did rankle, considering…
Definitely evidence of intent - intention is to provoke others either into a verbal or physical confrontation, no more and no less. It’s like the arrogant little twerps who “sod-cast” - Play music from their phones loudly over bluetooth speakers in the hope that someone will tell then to shut the hell up just so they…
Notice how many times the SUV drivers in this clip (y’know, the ones who could probably just cruise over that hole) just blarted it straight into the other lane without signalling or giving a toss about the driver next to them? (Not exactly surprised to see the BMW X driver doing exactly that!) - These are the same…
Fave pin table? ST:TNG is indeed a classic. Weirdly, some really ‘not that great’ movies seemed to spawn amazing Pinball tables. “Last Action Hero” is incredible, even the Stallone Dredd movie had a fantastic table IIRC. Also loved the Doctor Who and comic Dredd pin tables. Fantastic to see some coverage of pinball…
I guessed there’d have to be some sort of noise from the drive mechanisms etc - but I absolutely love the idea of a totally silent bike (blame Streethawk and Knight Rider for making me think back in the 80s that all future vehicles would just have that eerie electronic whistle / hum noise instead of a beefy petrol…
Dang, I was hoping there’d be video of this thing running. I’d love to see someone dirtbiking in total silence, it’d be eerie.
The two biggest issues for kids are that developing kid-friendly games suffers from the same assumptions that folk who think writing books for kids is easy fall into. It’s not easy to develop content that taps into what really interests kids - but also constitutes a fun gaming experience.
Same deal over here in the UK. My morning commute, virtually all of the roads are in a truly appalling state (some might as well just do away with bothering with the top layer of tarmac as there are so many pot holes, driving over a muddy farm track would be preferable!) Solar roads can’t happen fast enough - at least…
Pretty sure that Watch_Dogs 2's poor sales had nothing to do with the quality of the game (best open world game I’ve played since GTA V) but a lot to do with the usual issue of releasing anything ‘good’ amidst the usual fourth quarter cluster-release of ‘too many sodding games all coming out to try and cash in on the…
THIS!! Honestly, my (now 8 yr old) daughter never did anything like that, probably because I made sure she had a ton of other cool stuff to play with other than our stuff. Also - huge piece of plastic glass in front of TV cabinet with consoles, DVD player etc in makes ALL the difference and would only cost you a…
You guys really need to do one of these for the new Netflix series “A Series of Unfortunate Events” - It’s a veritable GOLD MINE of fab quirky cars (Old Austin A40 that Mr Poe drives, 2CV as a cab in one episode but there are many more).
I’m with you on this one, why the heck Disney doesn’t just produce a set of collectable figures based on this style is completely beyond me. Oh, unless of course they’ve got enough money and don’t really fancy making a metric ton more...
I hope that’s a joke appearance of The Last Guardian at the end there. That was definitely NOT one of the disappointments of the year. Nearly my game of the year in fact.
“Inexplicably loud movement for Skate 4"