
You guys really need to do one of these for the new Netflix series “A Series of Unfortunate Events” - It’s a veritable GOLD MINE of fab quirky cars (Old Austin A40 that Mr Poe drives, 2CV as a cab in one episode but there are many more).

I thought this was fantastic. Absolutely amazing cast (though I’d agree about the kids sometimes fading into the background, and weird CGI-enhanced Sunny freaks me the HELL out in some episodes). Warburton is actually even better than Jude Law’s take on Lemony Snicket in the movie (and I too liked the movie). But the

I love these because they remind me of those classic old Rainbird / Magnetic Scrolls adventure games. Always loved that style of artwork, and those games still look as great now as they did back in the early 90s.

I’m with you on this one, why the heck Disney doesn’t just produce a set of collectable figures based on this style is completely beyond me. Oh, unless of course they’ve got enough money and don’t really fancy making a metric ton more...

The biggest problem with the games has always been the same thing - when the initial trailers for Assassins Creed went up, everyone got VERY excited about the prospect of being a historical stealth warrior gadding about the holy lands and carrying out missions etc.

Goldar - or as we like to call him “Melted American Cheese Dude”

I hope that’s a joke appearance of The Last Guardian at the end there. That was definitely NOT one of the disappointments of the year. Nearly my game of the year in fact.

Favourite film of all time and he was gloriously subtly terrifying in this. Weird how 30 years on this really does feel like it’s turning into a documentary rather than a work of horrific fiction

No Addams Family - too lovable? I mean Mum and Dad are into some seriously questionable chain play, sis wants to kill bro - then later little bro. Grandma is as mad as a hatter, possible poisoner. Uncle regularly attacks his own brother and encourages kids to stick electrical items in their mouths. I guess by today’s

“Inexplicably loud movement for Skate 4"

Let’s just take a look at the thing before it impacted...