tempted to get an xbox one just for the chance encounter of running into snoop while playing
He is adorable (Martin Sahlin, not the doll)
you’re a terrible person for a lot of reasons
What episode has the Nick Valentine stuff?
It’ll all be worth it when we finally see Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, the sixth installment in the film series based on a video game about a goofy house full of wackyness.
He’s also using the head tracking to aim with a class that doesn’t really use direct aiming.
all these people hating on the prophet
playstation all-stars didn’t have cloud
looks like someone was wrong
this is the best news
Kid Icarus: Uprising is probably one of the best games I’ve ever played period and I’m left-handed.
I thought Shadows of Mordor did a good job of refining all of Assassin’s Creed’s controls. And it’s gameplay. And everything else.
This guy’s cosplay blew my mind, and he was just driving to the store with his pal
CS:GO for me
it’s better
Also Kojima knows that you should, you know, make a game.
remember that time when luke kissed his sister
i didn’t get meme’d
You don’t have to shoot all the baddies. You can bop almost all of them on the head.