
git gud

What I wouldn't give for another open-world Red Faction game (or at least a game built in that engine).

The developers of Red Faction: Guerrilla had to take courses on architecture so they could correctly build things in their world because their engine was so accurate everything would collapse if it wasn't built correctly. I think it can be done, but most people would become frustrated quickly when their super awesome

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Sometimes you don't have to use anything (even fists)

It's crazy because when Dragon Age: Origins came out it was like this triple A game that catered to the PC crowd. It had a tactical view and felt like an old school Bioware game. It's still got the tactical view, but it only works properly if you use a controller.

finally a game for me, the guy who likes bejeweled while jacking off to anime little girls

How much are Golden Frying Pans worth in TF2 now? Like, $4,000?

If I had to wager I'd say you have more in common with the girls in this game than the two examples you listed.

MS said it wasn't DRM so I guess it wasn't. I always believe PR people. They are all my friends and want to drink Cokes with me.

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The cops in GTA V can be helpful sometimes...

I recently built a new PC and decided to go with Nvidia instead of AMD because Nvidia plays well with 3D Rendering programs more. After trying out Shadowplay and how well it works I don't think I'm going to be going with any other recording software for a long time.

Assassin's Creed Unity true beauty can inspire art

Chun-Li is 80% thighs now

two more I captured

Everything in Dark Souls 2 has stats attached to it (even something as small as rings have weight). You move faster and can dodge attacks better.

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Here are some more facts that people didn't know about Destiny