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Here are my attempts to move corpses. Didn't go well.

you are arguing with an 8 year old girl.

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You can really see the difference at the start of this video

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But... Team Fortress 2 HAS giant robots. It's had 'em for about a whole year now.

McHale was the only thing that made this horrible show watchable.

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When we first arrived in this old house we knew something was wrong. They said the previous owners had been a few frat boys that one day just up and vanished.
If I had known then what I know now. They didn't just disappear. IT MADE THEM DISAPPEAR. It took them and their working pancreases with them... to the land of

Oh god.. don't do it... don't read the Kotaku comments...

How long until someone recreates this in Source FilmMaker?

It's not a kid being made fun of for the way he looks. It's not a kid being made fun of because he's poor, or because of his race or gender or sexual preference.

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I gave it a try earlier today. One of the modes in the trailer is only available through the Steam workshop. It's a side scroller and not the main attraction. It's still fun, but you can tell it's beta.

She's asked that this article come down and you guys left it up. That's kinda shitty of you all. The very least you could remove her name.