
I sincerely hope 20-something years from now this little girl, now a full grown woman, has an eureka moment and say to this guy “You were a police officer, a figure of authority with the task of serve and protect. You had my mom right in front of you, in desperate need of help. And your answer to that human being,

Trump and the GOP’s dismantling of the ACA, resulting in the loss of Medicaid expansion, cuts more than a million people off from access to drug addiction treatment programs.

I cannot even listen to someone quote him or read his words on a screen, let alone actually watch his face anus attempt to form utterances. Hardest of passes.

I think this is the time when PP needs a WOC leader to lead them Especially when we can clearly see that these are women who are moving the needle away from backwards oppressive agendas disguised as “conservatism”! What do y’all think??

I’m 19 weeks and no one at work knows except my supervisor and HR and my partner and I have waited to tell our parents until now. I highly recommend not telling whoever you don’t want if you don’t want people in your business. Even now when I’m showing and clearly everyone is speculating because I look fat but,

Uhhh...she’s a double-amputee from her service in Iraq. Pretty sure popping out kids is easy-peasy for her. If you’re saying she didn’t care about mommy problems before she became one, does anyone?

I was on a combo of Diclegis and Zantac! Brought vomiting down from every 3 hours to 1-2x a day. Both pregnancies the vomiting lasted from 6w until 14 weeks or so. The actual nausea was worse with my first pregnancy, that lasted all 14 weeks. This time I was only nauseous until about 10 weeks but still vomited often

When my husband and I were naming our child, we were able to veto the other’s name suggestions. For example, for a boy, my husband liked the name Lawrence. VETO. I liked Love for a middle name for a girl. VETO. In the end we came to a name that we both really liked. I can’t even recall who suggested it because we both

I get really bad “morning” sickness when pregnant (2/2 so far). It involves me throwing up CONSTANTLY - normally I can make it out to my car, but sometimes I can’t. I also stop eating because everything sounds terrible and I can’t keep any food down, especially if I am around smells.

Point is - TWICE my colleagues and

you inspired me to make this and it was very difficult bc realistically 99% of the cast is chaotic evil

Some things to add about Quiverfull movement (thanks to the Duggars, I’ve learned a lot):

I hope Bruce Springsteen offers to play at Phil Murphy’s swearing in.

With all the obesity, pescription pills, meth, oxy and 50% of white women having babies out of wedlock. This generation of white people have done the worst since Jim Crow segregation helped them move into the working class. You have more then enough to worry about amongst yourselves to even pretend to concern troll

I mean, I get the point. Donald Trump isn’t unique when it comes to his feelings on white people, and certainly the people who voted for him believe what he says, and if that’s the case then racism is the norm for white people...

Congrats on getting pregnant so quickly! Yes, you should be concerned about the zofran. A few studies have suggested that it increases the risk of cleft palate and possibly heart defects and is now generally contraindicated during pregnancy. It’s still the safest anti-nausea drug, so it depends how bad your nausea

When Prez, clearly knowing what the money was going toward, gave it to him anyway, tears flowed.

I bet the city actually does have codes on how to properly install a penis on one’s property.

Oh god these people. How is that a conflict of interest?! Funding from the EPA is not dependent on the results of studies! Unlike, you know, fucking corporations who only care about their bloody profit margins, and nothing else!

I am absolutely willing to believe this about Alabama.