
Bonus if the two languages are speaking English and “in tongues”

Yes. Please rush to apologize to Zendesk.

That’s a lot of braids.

I mean, if I was Leo, every molecule in my body would have been screaming with anxiety over whether or not I was FINALLY going to get the award, and I would also be exquisitely aware that everybody was going to be watching and analyzing even the slightest indication of an expression on my face, so I would be trying my

Again not saying racism doesn’t exist. But I do wonder if blacks have told themselves that they are oppressed so much that they begin to believe those thoughts.

I love Josh Groban’s tweets. And he’s right about orange soda.

I said “or Jo Sumi” because that’s what it would be if they (as many Western media outlets do) used the Korean practice of putting the family name first. In total agreement on your second point.

Well, that’s just like your opinion, man.

I don’t think this counts because Grace Jones looks good in literally anything, and also in nothing.

This one is:

Maybe I’m just an exception, but I have a much harder time taking financial/career/life-choice risks than I do physical risks. Cliff-diving? I’m in. Deciding to work in film production? Nah, I’ll take something with actual job security.

Now playing

Your Freudian typo made me think of Erykah Badu’s “Bag Lady,” therefore I love you for the reminder. I’d love to see a Rihanna cover someday.

Injunctions are usually granted while a case is going through the courts. You don’t have to prove your case to get one. If someone’s business or career will be irreparably damaged a judge can grant an injunction. This judge didn’t grant the injunction because she claimed Kesha’s career wasn’t in danger. This is

Or, if you like it long and hard:

I honestly, physically, involuntarily cringed reading the exerpts. oh.my.god.

Looking at homeless people IS gross but I don’t see him putting forth any solutions. Luckily I actually have a plan for that problem!!!

I imagine their first day as partners...

Cop 1: On the count of three... what’s your favorite hobby? 1...2...3!

Even if you’d accept their genitals in your face for $300k, I think you’d still appreciate being given a choice in the matter.