As an adjective, as demonstrated in the headline. It is offensive, not to mention incorrect, to use it as a noun when talking about human women.
As an adjective, as demonstrated in the headline. It is offensive, not to mention incorrect, to use it as a noun when talking about human women.
Yeah, I was just looking at the different ways its being covered out in Sac.
“I think the most important thing here is to make sure it’s clear that we are not tone deaf and we’re aware of a renewed focus on certain issues.”
I don’t know about Target, but the dedicated Tall&Fat stores used to be really bad about only have guys that looked like middle linebackers model their stuff. Guys with super wide shoulders, tiny waists and 5% body fat who were also 6’4” so technically qualified. Lately they have been getting better about throwing in…
They would probably need to lap the entire White House 40-50 times to talk out the crap from just the past three days from the GOP.
tbh, could not think of a more clever way to distract from the fact that mccarthy basically said the bengahazi hearings were a political tool against a hillary clinton presidency
Apropos of nothing since you didn’t ask, but the pharmacy department shares some faculty members with chemistry and gives mandatory talks and they call any medication “chemotherapy” to distinguish it from radiotherapy and surgery. It was confusing at first for me as an outsider but now I’m used to hearing…
Yeah, so now that I have been properly educated that Meryl Streep is playing Parkhurst (tbh I haven’t been paying attention) and it’s a real quote...I still don’t think it’s okay????
Stanford Prison Experiment Debate Team: Get on the winning team!
Are you married to my husband? Because we have the same father in law.
Best op-ed EVER (it’s a joint one by two newspapers in one of the rep’s districts):… Seriously, click on it, you will not be disappointed.
Shaggy has covered this tactic already.
I’m pretty upset with how Jezebel readers are being so incredibly dismissive and actually shitty about this.
Nursing is a predominantly female occupation and as such has routinely been dismissed as a less than vocation for exactly that reason. We have to fight to be taken seriously ALL the time. I get shitty comments…
Attention all news outlets:
“Make me a *gorgeous* human man”.