“We don’t give a shit about this or any of you.”
“We don’t give a shit about this or any of you.”
As I understand it, and only from media reports, she initially filed a complaint with the school, which did its internal investigation and found him “not responsible.” There are disputes about whether that investigation was adequate. She later filed a police report. He claims that the district attorney told him they…
Go see a dermatologist and get an all-over check. The doc will ask you about your skin history, if you have any spots you want to get looked at specifically, then look at all of your moles. It’s quick and painless. If you’re fine, no harm done! If there’s a suspicious spot, better that you catch it sooner rather than…
The sun is very dangerous. The sun is literally our frenemy. It loves us and it hates us. Always protect your skin. Melanoma is on the rise, and you should always monitor spots, freckles, moles, etc. The higher the spf the better.
Me too.
You should probably see a dermatologist. A lot of people with high skin cancer risk get yearly checkups. It’s totally noninvasive, so there’s no real downside to getting a skin screening- the doctor just looks closely at your skin for anything suspicious. If you have an atypical mole or something else that looks like…
You can find recommendations on the internet. Like: if you have a mole that itches, or changes color, or has irregular borders, have it check out. Also itchy, flaky spots that are persistent and don’t heal. Anything irregular that you know is not zit related and feel uneasy about: have it checked out.
Let me tell you about what life is like as a fat sexworker. My job involves sharing photos of myself as a strong, sexy, sexual woman, in varying degrees of undress. It involves me setting a figure - a not inexpensive one, either - on what I feel access to my body is worth.
This, for a myriad of reasons, makes some men…
Urban planner? Hi!
Oh wow...that was powerful. I had tears in my eyes, when I read about those women and children who have to face this on a daily basis, and no one really cares. There’s a law protecting PETS but not the women and children? Not everyone has family or friends to help them, and I speak from experience, that an abuser can…
I wish I could add 2 or 3 more stars. That series is terrific (and prompted state legislators to at least pretend to care for a few months). My partner works at a DV shelter in SC, and learning via her experiences and survivors’ stories has been eye-opening to say the least. Every time I think I’ve heard the worst…
Reading the stories of those women is chilling and very, very sad.
Spent a few years in Maine, and I’ve heard that burn before too. I think you have to be at least 3 generations to count.
This made me love being born and raised in Maine, that quote could have literally been said by any of my grandfathers.
Gotta love that Downeast humor, lol.
Fellow Mainer here! Though not official according to the old salts, lol. I just love those crusty old bastards.
That first one is basically the most New England burn ever.