
But that’s another huge issue with AirBnB — they don’t verify that the rentals are owner-occupied or are being rented directly by the owner. And if you’re subletting a place you rent, the waters get real murky, real quick because (especially here in NYC) rental units are regulated differently and subject to FHA

Hiddleston will always be the poor-man’s Fassbender. I just watched The Night Manager, and while I really liked it and Hiddelston did an excellent job, he has all the patrician good-looks but literally zero of the smoldering sexiness of Fassbender.

My brother suffers from “I really WANT facial hair but can’t actually grow it” syndrome. He tries to rock a “beard” but it’s basically just spotty stubble, and it’s super painful because he’s otherwise super cool and handsome. Our dad has had a nice, distinguished mustache for literally our whole lives, but apparently

I’m not super into music, but I loved the shit out of Treats. “Crown on the Ground” is my anthem for walking around NYC feeling like a badass.

My dad wasn’t stay-at-home, but I feel like my parents were true partners in raising us. They split the staying home on sick-days, baking of cupcakes, attending of events, and cooking of dinners. They’re good at different kinds of problem-solving. The weird thing was how incensed it made my paternal grandmother, who

See also, the “I’m pivoting to a more moderate stance on immigration and trying to reach out to POC by trotting out an internationally-recognized xenophobe and bigot to stump for me” logic of the Nigel Farage appearance — in Jackson, MI no less. Good luck with that!


Hey, Leo. I feel you! I’m also dealing with fallout from Jho Low’s bullshit (the real estate aspect, for work). What an asshole!

There’s nothing quite so beautifully delusional as people losing their shit while screaming about how chill/healthy/enlightened they are.

Same. So many two-piece prom dresses!

That tagline, tho. To be fair, I can see how if she associates getting ahead with being sexually harassed by Roger Ailes she could easily project misery onto other successful women. (I can also see how there are zero winners in publishing this schlock. Yikes! There are no winners here.)

When I was studying abroad in NZ I took a class on the history of NZ cinema and got to see The Piano on film, on the big screen (same with all of Peter Jackson’s early works). Best. class. ever.

Keys to Success: Robert Ailes Edition

It also obviously fits in with the GOP’s line about not talking about issues specific to being black in America because they don’t want to “pander” to black people, which as this black delegate from TX points out just does not compute:

I’m up by Ft. Tryon. They mostly come out at night, but if you’re anywhere near a park or dumpster you can see them waddling around. And you can definitely smell the results of their run ins with dogs now and then. I make sure to keep a look out for them walking home at night and on evening runs.

Just wait till they team up with the skunks taking over Washington Heights. #lifefindsaway

Huh. This sounds eerily familiar to the “we didn’t take notes because we knew we’d get FOIA-ed,” strategy employed by the outside firm Chris Christie hired to do the internal Bridgegate “investigation” — on the taxpayers dime, no less.

Same here, lucky to have never had a scare. But one of the main reasons I’m marrying my SO is because when I constantly remind him that if I get pregnant tomorrow it’s straight to the clinic, his reaction is always,“duh.”

Same, and John-John was my first real celebrity crush. He was so hot, so down to earth, so elegant. And OMG the wedding pic with Carolyn? That was like seared on my brain as the very picture of true love.