Zombie Carl

and pronounce it 'ghee'

gals is the feminine form of guys

Because it isn't aimed at 12 year old boys, not all the readers are male, and not all the readers are kids, and the publishers are aware of their market demographics?

Of what relevance is it when the character was originally created? You get that these comics are out every two weeks now, right?

They were in an open / poly relationship with her. I don't think 'mistress' is accurate.

Bingo. No research is true or proof. It is only useful or not.

If it does draw a paycheck it is almost invalid on that basis.

You can't be sure they are spot on. You would have to look at the data and the methodology and reproduce the results to be sure.

if they didn't exist you'd have to invent something like it

I don't think they are happy that way, but they may well be addicted to the cognitive distortions they have fallen victim to. To be fair, it isn't like anyone trains anyone to think at all, let alone think for themselves, let alone think for themselves rationally. Most folks never stood a chance.

If by MRA you mean many rational academics, then yes. The rational folks out there make decisions not based on tribalistic name calling and flattening out every argument to extreme examples of any given topic, but on an epistemological model.

Don't disagree at all.

There is no 'we'. What 'we' are you referring to?

I don't know that there is a consensus on what constitute critical analysis.

I dispute there is a 'we' in play here at all. This is characterized primary as tribalism, no? Where is the common cause?

To have to disavow social responsibility someone would have to demonstrate that they have social responsibility.

Well, to be fair, there is nothing wrong with a data based analytic approach, and the author did document methodology at the end of it.

The real question Marvel has is why aren't they (or anyone) buying the comics that Marvel gender flipped for them? Their diversity push has been a sales flop thus far…

It signals the appearance of virtue and lacks actual virtue. The BBC needs numbers up fast. Controversy works, ergo fan fiction gender-flip.

Non sequitur rejected! I accept your retreat.