
I have several friends who are Autistic, and they will tell you that ABA is most definitely torture.

I like the fact-based approach to not using labels, so long as it’s not sugar-coated. “Bill is 17 and need diapers” conveys a message that parents of NT kids might not get otherwise.

Thanks for your question—you make a good point, and I should have elaborated. Good journalists write about people with disabilities the same way they write about anybody else: by writing ABOUT them. For example, “Benjatrix is 36 years old and lives with his parents. He enjoys watching TV and playing with his dog.

The thing is, there are so many different types of parents raising kids who have ASD, and the ones who aren’t crazy don’t get any press. This woman is not some sort of sympathetic face for how hard it is to raise kids with disabilities, she is an outlier who weighed the risks against the benefits and made a poor

Hello fellow journalist! Please don’t use this construction or similar in the future: “Joshua has the mental development of an elementary school-aged boy.”

What always strikes me as about the “Don’t hate the player hate the game” thing is that “the game” obviously doesn’t exist independent of the players. Like, if you’re a player in this game, you should really want me to take issue with individual players, because if what I decide needs to go is the game, then I

Saying it’s “business” or “the system” blames some nebulous non-sentient other that doesn’t really exist. People make up systems, and this person is a total douchebag who makes me want to log off forever.

right there with you, comrade.

This tech scumbag blaming the “ism” in entrepreneurism doesn’t work for me, either, even without the morality spectrum. Saying it’s “business” or “the system” blames some nebulous non-sentient other that doesn’t really exist. People make up systems, and this person is a total douchebag who makes me want to log off

“And entrepreneurism is not something that’s totally black and white.”

Although I’m a big Warren fan, I think she does better in the Senate. Also I’d prefer to see someone younger as the VP pick. Not just as a hedge on Biden’s age but also as symbolic of the next wave of Dem leadership.

Of course it’s bullshit. In 2016, police ranked 7th in terms of most important jobs ... after farmers (etc), waste water treatment operators, teachers, construction, electrical and telecomm grid maintenance, and goddamn garbagemen.

Apparently we white women are still having a hard time believing that our fellow white women can be anti-feminist and racist. I've popped into my local women's march Facebook group yesterday and today and I'm blown away by the number of white women who still think we're all on the same team and want the same things.

I don't know anything about RuPaul but I assume if a celebrity deletes their whole social media presence without saying anything, maybe something really bad is about to come out about them.

As a queer involved in the drag scene (as a fan and occasional writer) there is no end to my loathing of RuPaul. 

I wholeheartedly agree. It sickens me to see the technical award recipients allotted a measly 30 seconds to express themselves after receiving what is, for most, the award of one’s career.  If I were to receive such an award for my work in non-fiction film (my specialty), I would much rather receive it at a ceremony

Yeah, that’s a hilarious addition to me because the Shake Shake thing was immediately called out as people realized it was impossible to determine the customers were cops in advance, so the payment method was mentioned here early on to head that off at the pass.

It’s bullshit, of course, but that won’t stop cops from

In my experience you don’t hand your card over to people at Starbucks anymore (including Target locations) you swipe it yourself. So that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense either unless he was dancing around and flashing his card in their face.