
And you just succinctly summed up one of the points. But then you read things like the last paragraph and just leave scratching your head wondering if this was at some point suppose to be a larger story about the state queer media in general, because it comes across as very disconnected without a lot of prior

I’m hoping for a Sanders/Warren ticket. It would be the most progressive campaign since FDR.

...but you can’t slap your name on a building with a tax return! There’s no glory in just paying the bills.

It shouldn’t even be about who is deserving or not deserving when it comes to monetary policy and taxation. Whether Elon Musk is a “good” billionaire or someone like Donald Trump is a “bad” billionaire is entirely irrelevant. I don’t particularly feel the need to confiscate all the wealth of the rich, but it is

There’s also an ongoing issue of transphobia, which in some spheres has gotten worse. Queerty, which is linked in the article at least once, has a pretty uneven history when it comes to trans folks’ inclusion. The decline in lesbian-centric media has led to its own share of issues, creating a vacuum so that places

After the snake emojis and treatment of Warren supporters by the bros, I'm not inclined to feel the Been. 

I love how these billionaire are all about making the world better with their money except when it comes to paying their fair share of taxes.

The delegate gap between Biden and Sanders is far from insurmountable.

That’s a lot of rationalizing why HER billionaire is OK, but others are not. She’s not wrong that every situation has nuance, but she’s really picking and choosing nuance to work in her favor.

1) Who are “we”?

I’d say her remaining support is more practical. The core progressives bailed to Bernie months ago. Couple that with all the toxic shit thrown at her by Bernie supporters for having the nerve to run for President, and I’d guess 2/3 of her remaining base will go Biden. It’s what I’m doing.

Damn, I liked her. She was dogged and would have made one hell of a great leader.

It’s almost like cis gay guys aren’t the only LGBTQ+ people in the world, who could have guessed?

I’ve been a firm Warren supporter pretty much since she announced. I’m ideologically progressive and voted for Bernie in ‘16. I’ll likely vote for him again when the NY primary rolls around.

She made the fatal error of trying to explain how her health care plan would be paid for. She should have just made promises like Bernie and Trump and never be truthful about how it would all work. People want to hear you’re getting free college, we’re going to build a wall, not turn to page 126 to see eliminating the

“Do white people like this not realize that there are people that they cannot see handling the food they eat? And that those people and the wait staff are likely speaking to each other?

But, in her mind, Musk isn’t “buying yachts.”

dude, one time i heard people outside the us call liberals what we call conservatives and my brain flipped upside down.

If you thought Pete was progressive, you weren’t paying any attention. He kept attacking Bernie and Liz for policies that didn’t add up.

thinking he was a progressive all along and he backs biden because he was full of shit?