
And the show proceeded to age more poorly than Friends, with Gen Z looking back at these characters in complete disgust while streaming the series on their holo-emitters

Woo! Nerd-blackface is over! Until someone else repackages and shovels this shit on us again!

“When God creates the miracle of life inside a woman’s womb, it is not our place as human beings to extinguish that life,” Chambliss said.

4,000 people without jobs and the entertainment industry rapidly consolidating under one monolithic company, but good right? Because how dare someone make a subpar superhero movie.

The incels are especially mad, because women’s sexual choice means that they can’t get forced into marriage, which was the only way these losers could get laid. Tucker Carlson thinks women having too many choices destroys the family. Stephen Moore thinks women’s financial self-sufficiency is ruining the economy. Just

It’s amazing how how many of the terrible things in our country can be directly blamed on Reagan.

Insurance moves people further from god. (Something a Tennessee Congressman and doctor! actually said. Google Dr Mark Green and Medicaid expansion.)

The GOP wants us to be sick, poor and stupid.

The Republicans are also the party of personal responsibility. So they remove the means of maintaining personal responsibility.

What worries me.. If Roe v. Wade does get over turned, and with a Supreme Court that is mostly conservative that is a distinct possibility, what else will states start lining up to question? Brown v. Board of Education 1954? The Civil Rights Act 1964? We already see states pushing at these, and do you really think the

The purity caucus had less impact on this election than on the previous one. Yes, it was dumb. But it wasn’t some huge group, and it wasn’t abnormal. Remember the PUMAS? They got about the same coverage as “Bernie Bros” and arguably had a bigger impact.

That is the shittest type of victim blaming/actively ignoring the issue.


TLDR; You know it’s Reagan’s fault. He’s the one who let the godhumpers into the halls of power back in the early 80s. They’ve been running roughshod over women’s rights ever since.

The last few times I pirated a game, it was for 3-4 hours. I did this when I felt a 2 hour window for a refund on steam wouldn’t be enough to properly judge a game. 2 of the 3 times, it led to me purchasing the game. I wish demos were still commonplace [they definitely still exist, but in sparsity]. PC gaming is rough

90? Are you an idiot? 60 is more than fair. 60 a game builds up quickly. GTA V made over a million their first week I believe. So shut up with your nonsense. Yes games are expensive to make, but they put that single game on shit loads of discs and distribute them. They aren’t losing money at all.

Gabe Newell built an empire on the back of the premise “Piracy is a service problem.” If you want to compete with pirates, you have to offer a better, more convenient service than they do.

I haven’t really pirated games since college, but the two main ones I downloaded in the past couple years were treated as demos because they were sequels in established franchises and far out of my typical genres - Witcher 3 and Civilization VI. They’re huge games that you can’t really get a sense of through Youtube,